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Welcome to Stardust Therapy!
My name is Lisa Cross.
With over 23 years experience as a therapist,
scroll down to see what therapies / combination of therapies I can offer... 
Child Therapy 
3-13 & young people with 
Developmental Delay and or Learning 
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Child therapy can help a child to 

understand and express painful experiences that they may not have been able to deal with before.


Develop emotional understanding and resilience 


Work through previous neglect and trauma 


Develop and strengthen brain pathways 

Research has proven Play Therapy to be effective at helping children & young people to work through emotional / behavioural difficulties, including school refusal, significant historical and recent trauma, without the need to talk.

This helps them with the  development of their friendships, social engagement and academic achievement 

Teenager / Adolescent Therapy

Adolescents are sometimes seen as mini adults. However, their brains are in a constant state of change and development. This, along with school demands and social pressure, can lead to anxiety, academic difficulties (poor attainment, school refusal) poor mental health and or possible behavioural difficulties

By utilising Creative activities alongside

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Dialectical Behavioural Therapy and years of experience working with this age group, can lead to an improvement in their lives and their families lives 

Eye Movement Desensitization Reprograming

When trauma happens, whether that be bulling, domestic violence, accident, childhood neglect and abuse our brain’s information processing system can get stuck and the trauma memory can remain undigested and unprocessed in our memory network.

Later when you are triggered, you may get pulled back to this unprocessed memory, bringing back all the emotional charge associated with that memory and subconsciously it may feel like the trauma is happening now even if it isn't!

EMDR is a process that helps to kickstart the brain’s information processing system, especially for trauma memories. These memories can then get digested and processed by the brain.

Once processed, these memories lose their emotional charge. We then know within our gut, that this is just a memory from the past and that it is not happening now.

CBT  Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
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CBT is based on the concept that the child / young person's thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interconnected, and that negative thoughts and feelings can trap them in a negative cycle.



CBT aims to help the child / young person deal with overwhelming problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller parts.

it can help them to change these negative patterns to improve the way they feel.


Unlike some other talking treatments, CBT deals with your current problems, rather than focusing on issues from your past.



Pre - Post Adoption
Special Guardianship Order Looked After Children

​​Via Parent / Carer referral & commissioning by Local Authorities, Pre & Post Adoption, SGO & Fostering Agencies.

Children who have had significant trauma require a therapist with considerable experience in this area.

I have worked as a therapist for 16 years for a specialist team in Leicester City Council. providing therapy to children and Adolescents (3-18) & their families. 

I also provide therapy, education and family support to children displaying harmful sexual behaviour in any environment . 

Attachment focused interventions

Family relationships are the most important part of a young persons life. 

However, sometimes historical trauma and  life events can rupture this attachment leading to feelings of abandonment, rejection, isolation, arguments and family distress 

Various different 

interventions can help to repair family distress and attachment difficulties.  These Include Theraplay, Psychotherapeutic Intervention & Family Focused Play and Creative Arts.

Utilising these models, alongside years of experience, with families from all backgrounds, can help to improve family relationships.  

I provide interventions for Parents, Foster FamiliesSpecial Guardianship, Pre & Post adoption, Child Protection and Families in Need.


Parental Support 

Being a parent is a rewarding but difficult role. Nobody gives you a book and says here you go, this is how you do it. Children often present with difficulties that we may be at loss to understand or even know where it has come from. Seeking therapeutic support can help to understand what is going on and how to best support your child

have supported parents & carers for 16 years and have significant experience within this area. 


I can provide one to one, video conferencing and telephone support.


I have considerable experience 

helping adults to understand the causes of difficulties in children and adolescents such as bullying, trauma, brain development and mental health.


In addition, I can support adults involved with young people to manage the distress & behavioural difficulties the above can lead to 

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