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Because Parents Matter

Parenting can be full of joy, satisfying and fulfilling. However, when you become responsible for another human being, nobody gives you a book and says, “Here you go, all the information you will ever need is in here.” Yet, you become responsible for helping your children develop all their life skills. This huge commitment and responsibility can make parenting difficult to manage, pretty scary, overwhelming and an emotional roller coaster. It can leave you no time for yourself and also with feelings of being lost and alone.   


The therapy I provide can help you to work through your feelings and manage many of the issues contained below. So, you feel better and improve your confidence, not only as a parent but as an individual in your own right. Which, in turn should help your relationship with your child / adolescent improve.




From the moment a pregnancy, adoption is announced, or an adult is approached to take on a child / young person because their parent/s can no longer provide what a child needs (private arrangement or Special Guardianship Order ”SGO”). they may receive many suggestions on how to parent from various avenues. There are thousands of parenting books and other media sources including the web offer extensive and often conflicting advice on how to parent. Family members may have varying opinions on what is best for the child. Parents may feel overwhelmed by parenting information and advice. It may be difficult to know what is best for your child.

New parents, overwhelmed parents, and parents having to cope with their own problems or a child or adolescent’s mental health or behavioural difficulties may benefit from the support of a mental health professional, to help them look at, work through and manage difficult situations or behavioural concerns.

Parenting may also become more complex if your child has a physical or intellectual disability. It can be hard to cope when a child needs extensive medical treatment or other extra care. Even though the parent may not be responsible for what has /is going on in your child’s life. they may have high levels of stress, feel to blame or have a real feeling of guilt. Which can be compounded if the child shows signs of behaviour issues.

A Parents influence with adolescents can be limited. They may learn new ideas from friends, from the media, and at school. Trauma may also impact a child’s development or behaviour. Peer pressure can lead a child to developing problematic behaviour. This may happen regardless of a parent’s efforts to keep the child safe.

Many parents continue to offer support and guidance to their adult children. This may especially be the case of a child who is coping with a chronic or temporary issue. But some adult children resent what they see as continued parental influence. These adult children may refuse assistance. Some children may engage in risky or destructive behaviour. Parents may be unable to reach them or be unsuccessful when encouraging them to seek help. This powerlessness is likely to be difficult and distressing for parents.

Some parents cope with issues outside the home or in their personal relationships. They may struggle with finances or health. These parents may find the challenges of parenting more stressful or hard to cope with. This may also be true if it is the child who is facing similar issues.

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