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Play Therapy  
Play & Creative Arts Therapy

Play & Creative Arts Therapy is a well-established form of psychotherapy / counselling, based upon a number of psychological theories.

Children and young people do not necessarily communicate by talking.
















A certified Play Therapist uses their extensive skills, alongside a variety of play and creative arts techniques to help alleviate chronic, mild, and moderate psychological and emotional conditions.

The symbolic and fantasy play, with its use of metaphors, will provide new experiences which develop the brain and mind, allowing the child to gain mastery over their difficulties and traumatic experiences. This helps them to reduce any behavioural problems and will increase their ability to realise their true potential. Play therapy is particularly effective with children who cannot, or do not want to talk about their problems.


Therapy may be Non-Directive - where the child makes the decisions, within safe boundaries, directive - where the therapist leads the way, or a mixture of the two. The Play Therapist establishes a therapeutic relationship with the child, with consideration to all the child’s social, emotional, and physical needs. The Play Therapist may also support people within the child’s immediate environment.

(peers, siblings, family, school etc)

Clinical supervision is essential.(Landreth 2017)

I am also trained in Synergetic Play Therapy® which is a research-informed model of play therapy combining the therapeutic powers of play with nervous system regulation, interpersonal neurobiology, physics, attachment, mindfulness, and therapist authenticity.


Play Therapy & Creative Arts Therapy improves 

  • Educational outcomes

  • Increases self worth and confidence 

  • Helps with relationship building (attachment & friendships) 

  • Reduces trauma related symptoms 

  • Prevents placement disruption

  • Decreases behavioural problems 

  • Bolsters emotional resilience, mental health and well being.


Research states that Play Therapy is highly effective at helping children who may have had difficult life experiences, suffered multiple traumas, abuse and or neglect - 86% show a positive change

(Thomas, 2011 - 2015 PTUK )

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More importantly Your child or young person will feel better 

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